I patiently sit in a quaint Barnes and Nobles sipping terrible starbucks coffee and nibbling on a hard blueberry scone. I am located somewhere near the Appalachian mountains in western North Carolina about 10 hours north of Panama City and a world away from Greece. So many things hit me like a ton of bricks. Probably the greatest is the culture shock I've had here in NC. Being from North Florida I thought I grew up in the south.... I was deeply misled by this assumption.
First, understand that I am incredibly thankful to call myself an American. Coming back into the US from Eastern Europe can not be described as anything less than bittersweet. But immediately, 3 months ago, I began disassociating myself from typical American. People can be so impatient and harsh. Simply put, selfish and rude. I hope I never act like this type of American ever again. Actions may speak louder than words but it is a lovely thing to be around people who all speak English. Still, some days I get up and crawl out of bed only to wish I could catch a view from my home back in Greece of the Aegean Sea. I close my eyes and remember what the sun looks like hitting the water and glistening while Mt. Olympus stands proud across the sea... a perfectly clear day in Thessaloniki. Greece always will be in my heart.
Second, North Carolina is far more "southern" then I ever imagined. A few things that are completely different from anywhere I've been... coleslaw on burgers, bbq, and hotdogs. chili on pretty much anything. the bbq is vinegar based- completely different, cherrywine (an amazing sweet nectar flavored with cherries). sundrop (like an illegal verson of mountain dew... but legal). words such as 'kin' and over 'yonder' are frequently used. vowels are pronounced SO differently here... hill= heal (proper NC pronunciation).
I'm experiencing so much culture shock even though I'm in my home country. It's funny how every culture has their own little quirks. I think the secret to adjusting to all these crazy things is taking it one day at a time and enjoying the little things... and those moments that are just so sweet.
I just wish that I could call and text my friends in other countries- that would be the coolest!