Thursday, August 25, 2011

Div school orientation & utter insanity of all things Duke

Within the past 2 days I’ve experienced many wonderful Divinity school moments that make me just smile. As I sat on a bench tonight hanging out and chatting with people many questioning undergrads asked why on earth I would study Divinity instead of doing something more productive with my time… silly undergrads. I just smiled as they asked these questions. They don’t get it… and maybe it is that very few people do. This is about so much more! I love being able to show people the church isn’t just full of people who are so rejecting of other peoples opinions. Unrelated to this another thing I love about here… tons of FREE food, coffee AND candy. Not to mention having intense deep theological conversations about Disney movies.

Div School:

One thing about Duke, I am convinced Duke Div is the best in the world. I know… I havn’t been here long and honestly how would I even know? Because of awesome people like these…

Dr. Ellen Davis who stood before the entire incoming class of Div kids and told us why Hebrew is better than Greek and why learning a language to understand the original version is so much richer than a translation… she has a sparkling 16 pg CV highlighting the 6 books she’s written… why is she so cool though? Because she does all of this and is captivatingly funny. I get to see her every week and learn Old Testament with her… ftw. (for the win)

Dr. Sam Wells addressed the class yesterday concerning our summer reading. He is not only ridiculously funny and quick witted but also British. So… his humor is amazingly funny. As I looked around the Harry Potter-esque room with high ceilings and trickling sunlight through the stained glass windows on certain faces I realized that just like I had been, everyone else was leaning forward in their seats and attentively clinging to every word. This is precisely what is so captivating… certain moments when life feels surreal. I find myself looking around wondering “do I really get to study this?” and “how on earth and I so lucky?”

A bigger question in all of this awesomeness that I keep asking myself is “why am I privileged enough to have been born in America and be able to become part of this community as duke?” or maybe simply “why me?”

A third year Div student I met once told me that these next three years I will meet some of the best people I will ever encounter in my life. It’s been 2 days of orientation and I can echo that. These people are amazing and have already left wanting more.

I love Duke. Let me be clearer… I LOVE Duke… seriously I do. Like… a lot. But sweet baby Jesus I am more busy than I feel like I’ve ever been in my entire life. My to do lists are never completed so there is NO satisfaction of getting one of them completed. Something I have learned about Duke students is that everyone is over committed, highly competitive, and super driven. So everyone, I think for the most part, feels the same way.

The past few days have been wonderful but exhausting. As I went to central campus on a bus to pick up something from a housing office I was perfectly on time… and with a serious mission. This task of getting this package had been on my to do list for 2 days and was beginning to haunt me. I got to central campus, got my package, headed back to the bus stop where I missed the bus. No big right? Wrong. I had a meeting in 6 minutes with my resident assistants to do “make-up “ training.

In my ignorance of how large the multiple campuses were I decided to just walk back.

Mistake 1: On a hot, busy, exhausting day… I decided to walk back (approx. 3 miles) to west campus with a swollen still injured knee. Why? Honestly I have no good reasons anymore… but at the time it seemed like a good idea.

Walking back from central campus, with my cute black flats that are definitely ONLY cute and not very comfy, with a dark brown button up shirt and my heavy backpack I soon realized how much of a mistake that was.
I got to my door and inside my building, feeling like I just survived an exodus through the desert and totally thankful I at least have AC in my room… the hallway feels like a sauna. I basked in the cool AC for a moment then realized it was time to move on and be productive.

Next up I decided to get a drink from a vending machine in the laundry room… seemingly harmless right? Nope.

Mistake 2: When relaxed in AC & wearing shoes without traction (perhaps since they are comfy) pay attention to water on the floor when walking into a laundry room especially on a university campus. They are notorious for being “hot spots” for injuries… so what happened? Like in a movie where someone slips on a banana, I slipped in a puddle of water. Both feet went out from under me, I landed on my side and my somewhat of a recovered knee (I still couldn’t run or anything) twisted, hit the ground and cracked. Awesome, right? Hmmm. Nope.

Yeah… not so fun.  So… because Cravenites (I work in Craven Quad… and my residents are amazing) are so amazing and considerate this guy was walking by and asked if I was ok then just cleaned up the water. After much crio therapy (ice all over it) and more ibuprofen than I’ve taken in months it’s still swollen :/

I’ll see a doctor soon… I’m just so happy tomorrow is Friday. Because Saturday means I can sleep and not be so insanely busy.
Ultimately what I'm learning this week: I'm really happy I'm a firm believer in the Sabbath. Because I desperately need a day of rest. But still in the midst of all of this.... I feel so ridiculously happy and lucky to be here. Sunday will mark my 3 weeks in Durham and it is already home to me :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Farewell May's Chapel... Hello Duke!

My last Sunday at May's Chapel UMC was a blur! Two services, so many goodbyes, and MORE homemade food was packed into the day before 2pm. My loving parents came up to Maiden to meet my church family at May's Chapel and come to my final lunch with all of them. These amazing people from May's Chapel UMC showered me with love and support. As we all went through the line to grab a hotdog, hamburger and throw on the traditional southern slaw on top of each I watched both my parents stand wondering what to do... months before I had been the one wondering what the heck to do with the slaw... it's a southern staple. Slaw on any type of bbq or hamgurger is trully southern and when you stand bewildered beside it all wondering it marks you as a "foreigner"... or simply NOT from there. As we made our way through the line my mom noticed 3 12 ft long tables set up in the back of the fellowship hall. These glorious tables were adorned with homemade icecream of every flavor, fruit (that was in season), and lovingly represented about 20 families in the church. These people know how to make some icecream.

In the center of the room was a pile of cards and gifts with my name on each of them. I was so overwhelmed what 10 weeks in a pastoral position could result in... especially when I was just the summer intern. That day I could have sat and cried like a baby just reading all the sweet encouraging words from these people who truly became family to me.

After I opened a few envelopes the pastor of the church asked everyone to come lay hands on me so that they could pray over me and future. Hundreds of church people, young and old, came rushing over to touch me or whomever they could get close enough to.

Earlier that morning during the childrens message the kids (3-9) held my hands and prayed for me... children did this.

I have been so honored by these experiences and will forever cherish them. Remembering the look in their eyes and the sincerity of their words still melts my heart of hearts.

Here is good ole' May's Chapel... home to some of the nicest folks you could ever have the pleasure of meetin'!

After lunch, many tears, and goodbyes my parents and I drove straight to Durham. Where I promptly moved all of my stuff into my new apartment and do all my move in shopping.

Noon of the next day began my job training... I'm a Graduate Resident Assistant working in HOUSING!!! I love housing and dealing with undergrad students... so I feel like I'm pretty much in heaven right now. That day was over two weeks ago. These past weeks have been a complete blur.

Here's a sneak peek of my room. Isn't it cute!?!?

Did you notice the bucket of roses on the corner of the table? Those came all the way from FL with a guy whom I'm smitten with... he's pretty amazing.  

This next week will be filled with preparation for classes! I'm so excited! Today I went into the bookstore and sat in awe (like a good nerd) at all the beautiful  books that surrounded me. I decided that I want to try to sit in on 4 other classes (seperate from MY classes). I'm just so happy that I'm here in Divinity School.

I'll let you all know how classes begin.

Through this last major move to Durham, Duke and Grad life I've concluded that I finally feel like I'm exactly where I belong again. It's that most rewarding feeling I think one can experience. It's not just the atmosphere of Duke but it's the community that is built within. I'm continually thankful that I can communicate in a language everyone understands, be around believers who worship like me, who know theology and of course people who understand my humor... (many awkward moments were had while I thought I was being funny but American humor DOES NOT work outside America).

Oh and today, I realized that Greek food here isn't Greek food. Unless it comes from someone of Greek desent- do NOT think it's real Greek food. Gyro meat should NOT look like bolognia... it was just all wrong. BUT the other day I had out-of-this-world chicken souvlakia... so there is hope for true Greek food in Durham. But this food, was definetly made by a Greek.

καληνύχτα παιδιά!!!
(Goodnight children; children is a widely used term in Greece referring to many people... of all ages. Don't take offense.)

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Humble Findings

As I walked out to my car this morning and saw a pack of strange friendly looking dogs it didn't seem as a particularly different morning... until I heard an unmistakable "BANG" from a shotgun on the back side of the house. Haha, not all of y'all are in the deep American south. I'm used to this sort of stuff and it didn't bother me at all... but I imagined how many of my friends would've stopped, dropped and rolled to get away from the danger. As strange as this sounds, let me tell you the privelage it has been to learn from the friendly folks. Maiden is well hidden off the beaten path and will take you a few minutes to find it in some hidden back roads and has about 3 stop lights. One remarkable thing about this tiny southern town is that it is dripping with southern charm and some of the best sweet tea you could imagine.

Yesterday I spent 4 hours sitting on a 90 year old woman's couch listening to her many tales about life, love and adventure. This sweet woman's name is Edith Beard Pirkle and she is a legend. She told me of old stories how she or one of her 11 siblings would carry the family kerosene lamp through their house at night to light it. The password was "coming through" and upon saying those words it was "as if you were in a movie.... all of life stopped!" Through a sweet southern accent and with genuine elderly charm it was not as if this woman knew her age she moved better than some 70 year old I've seen. Ms. Pirkle told me that she never wanted to act her age in all of her life so she hasn't. She told me stories of how her father never said many words but loved everyone. He would walk into their house with tears in his eyes, get some of their cured ham that had been hanging in the barn, and package it and take it out to whomever needed food. Many years after his death people had approached Ms. Pirkle saying how their families would've starved if it wasn't for her father. 

I found myself honestly wanting to just cry while listening to her stories. People just don't live like they used to she would say. She said how no one visits with people very much anymore and that breaks her heart. She said how the birds and insects used to sing differently years ago then they do now. 

Ms. Pirkle has lived "everywhere that she ever wanted" and has some of the most amazing stories of them. Her husband had traveled a lot with work so she went with him. She's lived in every state and her favorites are San Fransisco and New York City. Her first visit to NYC was in 1939 and they went to the World's Fair. The whole time she was "pining" to see Yankee Stadium and just watch some real (i can't remember what she called the game... garage something... which is the original name of it).

Discussion on the yankee: 
This past Sunday in my sermon I explained the conflict between the Babylonians and the Jews to set up the background for Psalm 119 (the Jewish response to it all). To do so I asked folks to imagine with me if a group of angry people stormed into the church, kicked us out, burned it to the ground and made us move north to New York. Sheer horror was upon every face in the sanctuary... that was probably the worst thing I could have asked them to imagine. 

A couple weekends ago I went north to visit some friends in New Jersey. When I got on the plane from Atlanta that would be flying into Philadelphia I automatically felt "other." People held themselves in a different way and they talked different. I came to the conclusion the north and the south are basically like two different countries. It was so nice to see my friends up north and we even went into NYC one day. Unlike Edith I was not praying for the moment I could walk into Yankee stadium but I saw the beauty of the north. There is something inherently different between northerners (yankees) and southerners. I don't understand why we see yankees in such a negative way. It's almost like a cuss word to say yankee and most always (here) has the word damn in front of it. Why? 

Southern Sayin's: 
ver yonder- over there (yonder is widely used)
dja- did you... 
aighht- alright?
hant- haunt
well my stars- oh my goodness
bless your heart- arn't you the cutest thing!
in high cotton- your rising in society
every dog has a few fleas- no one is perfect
stompin' grounds- familiar territory
folks- people 
kin- family

there is a whole slew of other ones that constantly make me smile... 

Southern Wisdom: "The two things that will fix the world are wrastlin' and nascar!"
*They believe this, y'all. 

I'm constantly amazed how everyone wants to talk politics here! I feel like that is the best way to start an argument with folks. 

I move on to Durham this coming Sunday! This past Sunday as I stood at the back doors of the church to shake hands and give hugs to "my parishioners" (fancy word for church family) I was amazed how many people had tears in their eyes and asked me how 10 weeks flew by so quickly. They said that I had been a real blessing to the church and that I had changed the way they understood things. I felt so encouraged by these sweet words. 

Distinctly Southern Stuff:
really cheap, alright food.

cherry coke... freaking awesome

"It's Bo time..." always served with a biscuit

Things I will certainly miss... seeing cows in the backyard everyday, fresh corn/ tomatoes/ veggies from the garden, havin' fun on the gator, thick southern accents, amazing home brewed sweet tea, home cooked meals heaping with butter and love, and simple southern ways... like being able to enjoy just sitting somewhere and watching something happen.